The Essential Role of Trust in Patient Care with Dr. Mladenoff

Ron, Deb and guest Dr. Mladenoff

The Essential Role of Trust in Patient Care with Dr. Mladenoff

Ep. 69: The Essential Role of Trust in Patient Care with Dr. Mladenoff

Applied Kinesiology and Healing Art, Dr. Mladenoff explains, is a specialty within the chiropractic profession that examines a person's physical, mental, electromagnetic, and chemistry bodies. It goes beyond just physical movement and requires a multidimensional understanding of the patient's body and condition.

Dr. Mladenoff further elaborates that his approach involves a blend of traditional chiropractic care, chemistry, physiology, neurology, and Chinese medicine. This combination enables him to understand the patient's condition more comprehensively and provide therapy accordingly. He stresses the importance of developing the ability to think multi-dimensionally. It's not just about diagnosing a patient's condition, but also understanding their needs, emotions, and overall health.

He continues by discussing how the body can provide signals to guide treatment. Dr. Mladenoff shares that he can sense things with his hands, such as thermal changes and electrical changes in the body. He might not have visual cues like some practitioners, but his sense of touch can provide him with valuable insights into the patient's condition. He says it's not just about treating the physical symptoms but understanding the underlying factors contributing to the patient's health condition. By viewing healthcare in this holistic and comprehensive manner, it's possible to provide better patient care and promote overall wellness.

Trust and Intuition in Healthcare

In this section of the podcast episode, the group discusses a critical component of healthcare that often gets overlooked in traditional Western medicine: trust and intuition. Dr. Mladenoff argues that while the impersonal nature of Western medicine can provide effective treatments, it often neglects the importance of trust and the intangible connection between doctor and patient.

They discuss how patients often rely on referrals from people they trust, indicating the significant role trust plays in healthcare decisions. It’s not just about the competence of the healthcare provider, but also about the connection and trust they establish with their patients. Trust becomes a foundation for a healing relationship, creating an environment where patients feel safe and secure, which in turn, contributes to better health outcomes.

Dr. Mladenoff believes that the ability to evaluate the body on both physical and non-physical levels can help facilitate healing. This approach requires a strong trust relationship between doctor and patient, allowing for more in-depth exploration and more personalized care.

In addition, Dr. Mladenoff emphasizes the role of intuition in healthcare. He shares his experiences where he has been guided by intuition during patient evaluations and treatments. This element of intuition is an intangible connection that can significantly impact the healing process, as it allows him to "sense" problems or imbalances in his patients that may not be apparent through traditional examination methods.

Building Trust and Understanding in the Doctor-Patient Relationship

Dr. Mladenoff discusses the importance of trust in the doctor-patient relationship, emphasizing that it's a relationship that must be cultivated over time. He illustrates this by referring to his initial interactions with patients, explaining how their initial level of trust can greatly influence their willingness to engage in treatment and to follow his guidance.

Trust, Dr. Mladenoff argues, is not just about believing in the doctor's expertise. It's about feeling comfortable and safe enough to open up about personal health issues and follow through with recommended treatments. This sense of comfort and safety can empower patients to take charge of their health decisions and feel more involved in their own care.

Dr. Mladenoff also delves into his forthcoming book which addresses head trauma. He talks about how the book is aimed at anyone who has suffered a head trauma, including concussions, and how it serves as a guide for getting the right kind of care.

Discussion About Identity and Acknowledgment

Dr. Mladenoff says that the doctor-patient relationship goes beyond the clinical setting. It delves into the realm of personal and social identity. Acknowledgment here refers to recognizing and validating the patient's experiences and feelings. He asserts that acknowledging the patient's individuality, cultural background, beliefs, and personal circumstances is crucial in establishing a therapeutic relationship.

The discussion extends to the idea of empowering patients. Empowerment in this context means giving patients the tools, information, and confidence to take charge of their own health. This involves helping them understand their bodies, educating them about their conditions, and encouraging them to make informed decisions about their care.

He also touches on the cultural differences in healthcare practices, highlighting the importance of being sensitive to these differences and adapting accordingly. This can be as simple as understanding different reactions to physical touch or more complex like navigating different belief systems around health and illness.

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Episode Summary

The Essential Role of Trust in Patient Care with Dr. Mladenoff

Ron, Deb, and guest Dr. Mladenoff challenge the impersonal nature of Western medicine and discuss the profound significance trust plays in the doctor-patient relationship.